- Chunking is related to habit. And habit is an energy saver for us.
- Habits create neurological cravings
Habit Components
- the cue - potential to launch into zombie mode (routine)
- the routine - zombie mode, useful or harmful
- the reward
- the belief - to change a habit, we need to exam underlying belief
Process vs Product
- processes relate to simple habits -> habits that coincidentally allow you to do the unpleasant tasks that need to be done
- reframe mind
- focus on process, avoid focus on poduct
- build processes to build good habits
- back away from judging yourself
Analyzing habit components from perspective of [Procrastination]
- the cue: location, time, how you feel, reactions
- the routine - rewire
- have a plan
- don't try to change everything at once
- the reward
- use different types and sizes to encourage neurological cravings
- helps to add new rewards
- the belief
- you can do it
- developing and encouraging culture with like minded friends can help us remember our values